Thursday, July 20, 2006

Tv Picks

Ever since Tivo entered my life, TV is a new experience. The kids are hooked on PBS Kids Sprout and Hector loves Adult Swim on Cartoon Network and more cartoons so I don't get much "live TV" time. That's where Tivo comes in to save the day...that way I can watch my programs when I want (when the kiddies are in bed). My current summer programs are Project Runway and Venture Brothers on Adult Swim. Yes, one of the shows is animated but absolutely hilarious...kind of a more violent take on Johnny Quest but FUNNY. The first season is on DVD so there is time to catch up on the show. Then there is Project Runway that I love...the cattiness and fashion. I only wish Tim Gunn has more air time because he totally makes that show. Okay, enough said but give my shows a watch and maybe you'll agree too.

1 comment:

  1. Deb...I LOVE Tivo....Have you ever watched Smallville? I'm addicted to Smallville and Desperate Housewives....
