Saturday, July 22, 2006


After the ballgame, the temperature rose to a record breaking level in SoCal. I think Hector was somewhat relieved that he was called in to work again this afternoon to escape the heat. When I checked the kids playing upstairs, Joshua's hair was wet with sweat. I had to intervene and herd themselves outside to play in water. Of course, our wading pool has been out all year and filthy with dirt and leaves. I had to improvise...we emptied out some toy bins which are really general use plastic tubs and filled the with water. Add a couple of balls and a water gun and the boys were set to splash and play. It kept them busy for an hour which was great and fun.

That reminds me to buy swim diapers for Joshua...I put a pull-up on him and gradually as time went by it swelled up more and more up it was hanging down with the plumber's butt look. The kid looked confused why I was laughing and why he was having such a hard time walking with his pull-up hanging down. Ahh, it was cute.

Tomorrow, we're supposed to go to the Orange County fair with Kat but if the heat remains brutal, we're gonna have to come up with plan B. Poor Tyler has been looking forward to this day and maybe we'll just have to go later in the evening. We'll figure it out or I'll just take him if Kat is not up to it. I don't think this heatwave is going away anytime soon but it's good practice for Thailand.

1 comment:

  1. I'm falling out of my seat seeing Joshua's pull ups!! It's too cute!
