Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Cold Snap

Is it cold where you are? The cold swooped in suddenly this week and it's a welcome change for me. It rained in the morning Monday so now we have smog free skies and cold, chilly weather. Southern Cali doesn't get too cold so this is nice! I enjoy wearing sweaters and Uggs...I'm eager to fire up my wood burning stove but I'm waiting for Hector to get my 1/2 cord of firewood. I get to use my little hachet that Hector gave me to make kindling. I totally dig my winter fires although I'll jump at any chance to light a fire in my stove! I was practically rubbing my hands together with glee when I saw that some old kitchen shelving looked perfect for kindling.

1 comment:

  1. It's REAL cold in Alameda. Even though the sun is out and shining it's still cold.
