Monday, June 05, 2006


It's 8am this morning , I 'm getting the kids their breakfast and I hear a knock on the front door. I can see some girls with clipboards outside but ignore them, after all they're obviously not the gas guy or someone important. A couple minutes later, more knocking...jeez, what do they want? I poke my head out (I'm still in my nightgown) and one of these girls starts her song and dance about some children's study aids they're selling. She says, "You must be the busiest mom around here!" Uh, yeah. She's talking as fast she can and I try to get a word in and I finally blurt out,"I'm getting my kids ready for school & not interested, thanks." But amazingly, she keeps talking about my neighbors and if I could help her in showing her which houses have kids so she can skip the retirees. I can't believe she is still trying to get her foot in my door so I told her flat out, "Goodbye & I am closing this door now!" UGH. Not my ideal way of beginning my Monday.

So to get the bad taste of that out of my mouth, here is Joshua flying around with Ann. Ah, to be a kid!

1 comment:

  1. What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.
