Thursday, January 18, 2007

Just Another Day

I got my procrastinating self motivated to put away the Christmas tree and ornaments. For those people that really know me, I am a big procrastinator and I think I did pretty good considering I put the tree up by myself and had to take it down too. The kids must have broke an ornament a while back because I got a small cut on my hand while trying to smooth down the branches. A piece of glass was hidden somewhere and ouch! Since I was being productive, I cleaned up a bit in the kids' playroom, mostly the MegaFort which has foam noodles and attachments.
It was so cold this morning and combined with the dew or light rain from yesterday left ice on the top of the Honda. It was trippy. I was looking out the window as I gave the kids their breakfast and saw the top of the truck was white. Hector said he had to scrape off ice off the windshield this morning and there was snow and ice in Malibu. Too weird.
So with all the unusually cold weather going on, I'm getting tired of drinking my morning Diet Pepsi. I'm not a regular coffee drinker, for some reason I tend to drink coffee while on vacation or am extremely tired. We have a coffee maker from Hector's residency days and when he was studying for the board exams but haven't touched it since. This winter I've seen a lot of different single cup coffee/tea/combo machines spring up but they are so much more expensive than your usual coffeemaker plus you have to buy their coffee pods/servings which can add up too. I am hesitant to buy one because what if I buy a machine and that brand goes out of business....where am I supposed to buy my coffee units? Plus if I wait long enough, I will see what machines will stay for the long haul and the prices will drop. On the other hand, I love that warm feeling from holding a hot mug especially since I have a cold. Such a dilemma!

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