Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Absent Minded

I totally forgot about Joshua's IEP meeting today. It is where the psychologist, special ed teacher and speech/occupational therapist discuss the child's progress or needs and adjust appropriately. Hector and I had just walked out of the grocery store when my cell phone rang. It was the psychologist reminding about the meeting.
Oh that's right, when is it again?
Right now.
Now? Uh, can we move it to 2pm?
So we rushed home to put my pumpkin ice cream away (yum) and went to the meeting. It was a positive experience since Joshua seems to be improving but they will work with him one-on-one 1-2 times a week. They also said that he has a good buddy in his class named Cody. Overall, we are happy with his assessment.

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