Friday, April 01, 2011


  1. Today is the kids Special Someone Lunch at school. They requested KFC: 2 drumsticks, 1 biscuit for Tyler (potato wedges optional) and popcorn chicken for Josh. :)
  2. So that means I need to clean off the utility wagon so I can haul 3 folding chairs, blanket, food and drinks to school because this year the lunch is school wide not just for certain grades so getting there early is a must.
  3. School gates open at 11:30am so I need to get the chicken around 11am to be in prime time for a good picnic place.
  4. Hats & sunscreen please. It's going to 78* today.
  5. After lunch, it's time for Student Showcase aka Open House. The school is changing it up this year which is fine but Hector won't be able to make it.
  6. After the showcase, I can sign the kids out of school early just in time for Spring Break!! Yeah!
  7. The kids need haircuts, Tyler's hair is super thick and grows way too fast. Josh would need a trim while Tyler needs major mowing.
  8. Gotta pack for our annual spring snow trip. Luckily, all our snow-related items are packed in a separate bag so all I need to do is gather some clothes for the kids and myself. We have a good system, Hector takes care of himself. I pack for myself and the kids plus necessary snacks and food for the car ride.
  9. Birthdays...Hector on the 5th and mine is on the 9th. Nothing major, we agreed to no gifts and a nice dinner. :) Others are still welcome to give me gifts though!
  10. Have fun and take lots of pictures. It looks like it'll be a gorgeous week and we always enjoy our snow trip. Have a great Spring Break!

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