Sunday, March 29, 2009

Gift Yarn

My resolution to not buy yarn is working out okay so far this year; I figured that I can receive yarn as gifts or buy yarn with the gift cards I receive. That way I don't really buy yarn. It is definitely a gray area because anyone that knows me knows that I have plenty of yarn in bins.

Well, that leads up to birthday is coming up. I asked Hector if I could have some sock yarn for my birthday. I've had my eye on a sock kit package for a while and my birthday is the perfect opportunity to get it. Hector said yes (yay).

Oh, that reminds me of another kind of sneaky way to get yarn...our friend K went to Argentina & Antartica last month so I asked him if he saw any yarn to buy me a bit. Well, it worked...K said he found yarn in the Falkland Islands so eventually I'll get it when I see him again. Also, Loop went to Italy and I made the same request. She brought me back 3 skeins of sock yarn. Woot!

So far, with this method I got 3 pairs of socks. I'm not sure what kind of yarn K got but I can make it work into anything. With Hector's gift, I get another 6 pairs of socks and it came with 6 sock patterns. As I was reading it over, all the socks are knit toe up. Ha! Good thing I learned that recently!!

this is the spring/summer sock these colors.

Italian sock yarn....yippee!

Seriously, I gotta stop asking/begging for yarn. Less receiving and more knitting....Sigh.

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