Wednesday, May 06, 2009


Today was very exciting for us here at home. Joshua's classroom field trip to the marsh was lots of fun but there was also a "shelter in place" emergency at the kids' school. We had left the school with the class around 9:30am and walked about 1/2 mile to the marsh.
Everything was going just fine with our tour guide Dan. He showed us tortoises, toads, a king snake and a hummingbird nest. We were touring the marsh when the teacher told me the school was on lockdown. That's about the time we noticed a helicopter circling the area.
At noon I had to leave to get back home to watch Amber. On Sepulveda there were several police cars and another at Nadine blocking the street. I was let in and that was the longest 2 blocks I had to walk. There were 3-4 more police cars further in with the helicopter still hovering above us.
I wasn't sure how to contact Sherri since she doesn't have a cell phone but she made it to my house through another street. Phew. I relayed the message that she wasn't needed at school so it was best that she and Amber hang out until we had to pick up the kids. As we were leaving the house, I noticed the helicopter was gone so I thought it was all over. Um, no.
The teacher called me on my cell phone that the class was still at the marsh since the school was still locked. Oh. It was a good thing I left my car at the school and that street wasn't blocked. Mrs. E had all the kids in the building and they were perfectly happy with coloring pages and puzzles. Of course, soon after the lockdown was lifted. At least the older kids could get out at their normal time, otherwise they would have to stay put. Uffff.

There is the info I found but we are home safe and sound. The doors are locked and the windows are closed. :)

Drama over so here are some photos.

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