Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Different Route Home

Another gorgeous yet cold day! I love the fresh air after the rain because honestly we don't really get that much rain here in SoCal . It's a nice refreshing change.

I took a different path home after walking the kids to school and nothing spectacular hit me but I did see this...
Neighborhood cat

I'm not sure if this is Simba or another orange cat but he wasn't very friendly and I know Simba is. He tucked himself under a big bush next to a rock so I was happy I had the 100mm lens on. He wasn't very cooperative and this is the best I could do.

It looks pretty nice as is right out of the camera.

Same picture but levels adjusted in Photoshop.

That was the only exciting thing that happened. Otherwise I took pictures of my favorite succulent @ Judy's and tiny yellow rose I planted by our porch.


I also went into our backyard to look at our sad tomoto plants etc from the summer. Surprisingly (to me anyway) that they are still producing tomatoes (some rotting on the vine) and our pathetic strawberry plant that choked out 1 measly strawberry over the summer to be eaten by some bug/worm now has 3 (yes, 3) strawberries growing. It's been really cold lately especially at night but I guess the rain awoke them somehow.


I know practically nothing about gardening so I don't know if this is usual or what.

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