Thursday, June 25, 2009

Quick Thinking

This is how our Wednesday went:
  1. I wake up at 8:30 am (which was wonderful) suddenly thinking of the cheapie $1 movies shown by our local AMC theatre. I get on the computer and find the summer movies did start last week on Wednesdays. Oh today is Kung Fu Panda. Great. I hurrily feed the kids their breakfast and we rush the 1.5 miles to the mall. The parking lot doesn't look too bad and a few people with kids are heading over also. We get in line to buy tickets and 2 women with kids are at the window then they abruptly step out of the way. An employee says on the microphone that Kung Fu Panda is SOLD OUT. Say what?
  2. We are too far to drive over to Rolling Hills where Regal shows a different movie for free on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. So we walk to Starbucks and I treat the kids to some caffeine-free ice blends while I think of something else to do.
  3. I end up driving home and rummage through the house for projects that the kids can do. Honestly we have some birthday presents still in the box or untouched from Tyler's birthday a year or so ago. It's nice to not rip into everything and space it out. Ha. So I found a bird feeder and birdhouse kit that we all worked on. Josh helped me put the bird feeder together and then we walked to Walgreens to buy bird seed.
  4. By the time we got home, it was getting warm so I'm thinking swimming next door at our neighbor's pool later. Tyler was ready to put his birdhouse together but first I had to round up some paint. I found about 3-4 cans of paint that we had used in some home project at one time or another which worked out fine. Tyler and I had a great time painting and we left them outside to dry.
  5. On to swimming...our recent power outage did something to the pool heater according to our neighbor but the kids plunged in anyway. They had their squirt guns and Sub skate thingy to play with. About 10 minutes later 2 other neighbor boys a bit older than Tyler came in to make it a party. Joshua didn't last too long; about 10 minutes in the pool was all he could take.
  6. Time for lunch! Sandwiches and yogurt in the family room while I start Kung Fu Panda which conveniently is on HBO. Just add popcorn and the rest takes care of itself.
  7. I had time to hit the computer. Meanwhile the movie finishes and Tyler assembles the birdhouse all by himself. Nice.
  8. Hector soon arrives home for leftover night. Cheap Chinese food for everyone. He takes the boys to Go Kart World where Josh finally gets to drive all by himself. He was so excited when he came home he could barely get the words out!

We managed a lot of activites for one day but it was kinda fun. It was the kind of day where we started with an idea and it took us all over the place.

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