Monday, March 18, 2013

Making Butter

Nice weekend plus with the added bonus of an extra day off today for the kiddos. Woo hoo! Not much planned but we do need to finish up Josh's science project for the science fair.

Super easy and fun to do...Make your own butter. :)

Who doesn't like butter???

Super simple experiment that we Googled and came up with all sorts of sites.

This is what we did:
  1. Get heavy whipping cream and let it get to room temp. I think we left the quart of cream out on the counter for about 6 hours.
  2. Measure out about 2 cups or whatever fills your jar about 1/2 full.
  3. Close that lid up tight and START SHAKING!
  4. Ours took about 3 minutes before all that butter formed.
  5. Save the leftover liquid = buttermilk for baking biscuits or pancakes.
  6. Rinse the butter with COLD water, add salt if desired and store in Fridge.
That is all. We were all pretty impressed with this and even though it's not really not cost effective to do regularly, it is fun to get some homemade butter and buttermilk.

Butter making ingredients Careful measurements Start shaking and voila butter!! Yummy Butter Straining the butter All wrapped and ready to go

Boom! Yummy Butter!

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