Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Shutting down

Today is our 6th straight day of rain. Steady rain. We've made minimal trips out during this time and tomorrow the rain should stop. I expect that everyone else that has procrastinated along with us will be out in full force the next 2 days.

We are pretty much finished with the Christmas shopping but remember Josh's birthday is the 27th so we will try to take advantage of the sales to get more things for him.

Meanwhile, I'm completing my gift knitting. I truly believe that this will be the last year for that because it is becoming bigger than it should be. I will make things for the boys' teachers for sure but that most likely will be it.

I love knitting. I love the process of having a yarn, trying to find the right item  and pattern to knit for the yarn.  The whole creative process. I really wish I was a faster knitter that I could knit all the things that friends and family love and want but for my sanity, I'm gonna stop. Because I still want to love knitting and not make it become a chore. I usually put up my FO's (finished objects) here and on Facebook and Ravelry.  Mostly to show off my work, I admit but not to hear everyone chime in, "Oooh, I want one!" Of course, you want's absolutely adorable! But I'm not an assembly line so when I give you a handknit, it'll be from me because I enjoyed knitting it and I wanted to give it to you.

I have a few more projects that I need to complete and that will be it. I'm sure that I will still be giving handknits away  in the future and you'll have to content with what you get.

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