Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Tardis phone cozy

This is for Kat my BFF from college. She used to talk about Doctor Who on BBCA so one night I saw an episode. It was eh-okay. Then I saw another (much better) and decided to add it to my DVR queue.

Kat got a new phone last week, showed it to me at the Devo concert and requested a phone cozy to protect it. Sure no problemo. I browsed Ravelry for patterns and guess what popped up? A Tardis pattern. I dug into my scrap sock yarn to find some blue yarn. Hmmm, hope I have enough.

Had to add Lego mini figures!

Well, it turns out that I didn't so I had to switch to light blue. No black yarn so I used some Kool-Aid scrap yarn and yellow beads for the light. I'm pleased with it although my lettering is a tad big and wraps around the edges.

Kat hasn't seen it, but do you think she'll like it??

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