Wednesday, June 09, 2010


My cousin Hannah loaned her Lomo camera which is explained in Lomography. I have the Action Sampler version that looks like a toy. Clear plastic with different pastel yellow, pink and blue. Think disposable camera. It has 4 lenses which take a frame 1/4 second apart that will give it a unique and fun look.

I went to Target because the darn camera needs film. Yes, film. I almost whispered my question because digital is so common, "Excuse me, do you carry camera film?" He pointed me in the right direction and sure enough, I had 2 choices along with several disposable choices. It took me a while to figure this camera stuff again since I'm no expert. Oh yeah, line up the film, close door and wind away.

I took it to pick up the kids the other day. Just holding the thing brought curious children asking me what it was and can I try it type questions. No, I firmly told them, it's not a toy although it sure looks like one. I have to flip up 2 little plastic pieces on top to "activate" the viewfinder! It is so cheesy yet so cool...I've taken several of both boys and we're eager to see what develops. I have 24 exposures and 3 rolls total so that's a lot of fun this summer.

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