Wednesday, July 18, 2012


No rain here but definitely cooler weather. The kids are being amazingly cooperative with me and each other which is always a nice event. They are replaying the last season of Ninjago so they have been enjoying those episodes and made sure the todays premiere will be recorded while they are at kenpo.

They wanted to watch Ninjago on the big TV so I came up to give them their space and thought I should work on those arboretum photos.

It was cooler than normal in Santa Anita but much warmer than we are used to so at 76* in the full sun had us hot in no time. Seriously, it probably is around 85* typically and we are plodding along at 76. Ugh, I tried to tell them it'll be warmer, much warmer in Honolulu next month when the kiddos and I take off for some R & R. At least the pool water will be at a comfortable level for Josh who doesn't tolerate cool water the same way Ty does. It's always such a lopsided  day...poor Josh is done at x amount of time and is shivering with cold while Tyler could last twice as long, maybe more. One kid wants to go inside for hot chocolate and the other wants to keep swimming. Tyler is the one who has to cave in mostly so he seems to get the short end of the stick. I'm looking for that to change in HI so I'm sure they will wilt in the heat and want to stay in A/C all day. Ha, not on my watch! :)

Okay so here are the photos....

ready to explore palm trees by the lake giant and little Kids

I'd love to come back again and really explore this place.

in front of bamboo Bamboo forest

Seeking nectar
The kids helped spot a couple of hummingbirds so I did my best taking some shots then zooming in and cropping later on.

Waterfall pose

It was a fun outing although we are such heat wimps. We must work on that!!

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