Monday, October 17, 2011

Brief food break

We had a busy weekend so I'm behind on our Sierra adventure but I had to show something else that I've been up to. A while back, my one of Hector's coworkers gave some homemade kim-chi which was pretty awesome. Fast forward to present where I remembered the kim-chi and googled it. I found this kim chi recipe. Luckily we have a Korean market (good sized) that I found the right ingredients.

The recipe is not difficult and one Nappa cabbage (about 2 lbs) yielded about 3 good sized pasta sauce jars full. By Sunday, I was ready to taste my kim chi. We actually tried it ever since I made it the last 2 days but Hector was waiting for the right amount of sourness so I sent Hector off to buy some kalbi ribs to go with our kim chi and rice. Ahhh, it was delightful. :)

The kids love kalbi and rice and we adults thoroughly enjoyed my kim chi and cucumbers. Yum.
Now that I know how to make kim chi, I can impress my friend and family with my prowess. Ha!

Homemade batch of kim chi.

Kalbi ribs, rice and homemade kim-chi.

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