Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Shibori Banners

Last week, Tyler's class had their Adventures in Art so I decided to help. The kids made Shibori banners and it was totally cool. Paper towels (the industrial kind like in public restrooms), food coloring with some water (I think the ratio is 4:1), and wooden dowels.

The paper towel is folded lengthwise in half and then into a triangular football fold. Like those paper footballs we used to play with as kids or adults. Then sit on paper towel to get those creases in. Starting with the yellow dye, dip a corner/area in then dip another area in red, blue etc. The paper towel absorbs the colors, then stick the folded paper towel into between several layers of newspaper and step on the newspaper to squeeze out excess dye. Unfold the paper towel and behold, a really cool, unique design!

this is something really easy to do at home and the kids love how they turn out.


  1. Great project!

    Love the banners and the use of everyday materials.

    I'd like to link this to my blog if you don't mind?

  2. I should have mentioned, I would like to link it to my other blog- Elementary Art

  3. No's an art project that the school presented for all the classes.

  4. I should mention that I don't know the exact ratio of food coloring to water is. The docent kinda threw that out when I asked but I feel like experimenting with it because the colors were so vibrant.

  5. Nan from Art Trek, the program that presented the Shibori Banner project, is thrilled that your classes are enjoying the banners. Check out our website for related projects and classes.
    Nancy Young
    Adventures in Art rocks!
