Sunday, January 04, 2009

Best Fight (?) E-h-v-v-v-e-r-r-r-r-

This fight was entertaining to say the least although Semin's fighting style is very questionable. Seriously? I could pound on the guy better than that! :)

Okay I have to talk about my hockey experience last night. The Kings played the Flyers and we arrived early enough to see the teams warm-up. The seat that is usually empty between us and the older couple was taken by a young woman (Flyers fan). We joked around a bit that we would beat her up, etc. and she said that the lady seated in front of me would protect her (another Flyers fan). we're just sitting there...I'm eating my nachos when I see a blur, then the woman in front grabs her head/face and lurches forward. OMG, she just got nailed by a puck from one of Flyers! She has her head in her lap while her husband has his arms around her. Ushers come over and the paramedics are summoned. There is blood...and they leave with the paramedics. Yikes.

Uhhh, then I realize that if she wasn't there, guess who was next in line behind her.! I would have been hit in the chest/shoulder (?) but I was grateful that it wasn't me. We waited for them to come back but they never did. I hope she is okay...she'll have a great story to tell but still...that sucks. At least the little boy that got the puck gave it to her husband so she has a souvenir and maybe some stitches.

So I'm a little more cautious now because it's not the first time a puck has flown over to me during warm-ups. Another time, a puck flew over my shoulder bounced off the seat behind me and grazed my hand. Of course the puck went a few rows ahead so I didn't get it but phew....

So, warning to those we give our tickets to....WATCH OUT FOR PUCKS! Especially during warm-ups. The teams are out on the ice with buckets of pucks and they're shooting them all at the same time so be careful.

And the best thing is that the Kings won!

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