Tuesday, August 08, 2006

So Long

Remember that married couple I know planning on moving to Alabama? The last time I spoke to her was in June when school was ending and they were in Hawaii on vacation. She said they would be home for July 4th for about 4 days then off to Alabama for a month. But wait that didn't make sense to me...her daughter starts school beginning for August. I guess our group of friends didn't make the grade to even have a last gathering or goodbye party. Yeah, sure both their parents still live in So Cal so they'll be back to visit but what about us? They've been planning this move for most of this year which put them under stress and deadlines but once they sold their house, we thought there would be a get-together.

It's not just me either, I've spoken to 3 other friends in our circle and it's the same confusion. None of us heard from the couple so we're at a loss. Sure, I could call her but it seems that I'm making all the effort.It didn't help that the husband thinks of So Cal as the evil empire and we're all going to hell in a handbasket. Hey, we lived here all our lives, our families are here and we don't care if the housing bubble is gonna burst. We are already homeowners and we enjoy living here. I understand that they are searching for a better life but it's not for everyone and don't bag on those who stay. Plus if I were in their place, I would be sure to say goodbye to my friends.

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