Friday, November 08, 2013


Yay, it's Friday! I saw this posted on Facebook and thought it was pretty cool. It makes me want to go back to Japan. I love how the people in the video pretty much go about their business or are taking pictures.

Yesterday, I took Joshua to Costco to pick up some photos. He asked what the pictures are from and I said I don't remember since I used a film camera. I explained how in the last 15 years cameras have gone digital but I'm using an older camera that was used long before digital.  We talked about how we can see our pictures on the screen right after we take them but we can't do that with film.

So we looked at the photos and saw half of them were from Kauai & the other half when I went to downtown LA. It was fun to be a little surprised then recognize what/when/where etc. This morning I was putting in a freshly charged battery into my DSLR & Josh came down the stairs. He said there's your film camera ( he was talking about the wrong one) but the SLR was on the table near me so I showed him how he can tell by looking for the screen. It warms my heart that we have conversations that we can revisit & talk some more. An actual conversation! Little things we can take for granted..,

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