Sunday, June 22, 2014


Quick little snapshots that capture what I've been up to...
Tyler's 8th grade promotion ceremony.
Tyler's 8th grade promotion ceremony.

On to high school! In the fall.
Tyler all grown up. Where did the time go?
Summer #knitting #blender #socks I can't stop.

Some Blender socks to use up those leftover bits of sock yarn although I found a new leftover project called the Beekeeper's Quilt that will be super long term...more on that in a bit.

Chocolate peanut butter pretzel #cookies Works for that sweet/salty combo.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Pretzel cookies.

Oh these cookies are divine! Chocolate and peanut butter chips along with some salty pretzels and it's a match made in heaven. :)

1st hexipuff. #leftover #sock #yarn  Only 300+ more to go #blanketinprogress

Here is my first hexipuff that will join legions of other little hexipuffs to become a blanket like in the photo background. I mean lots. I think I need to knit more socks to get leftovers or just dive right into the sock yarn to feed this insanity...

Off for a little jaunt with the kids for a few days so I will see you when I see you...

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