Monday, October 05, 2020


 Let's see what has been going in my life this past month...

Lots of knitting and as always, I am continuously trying to decrease my yarn stash. 

Hopefully I will be able to find all the things I completed.

My largest project is the Playful Shawl. This was so enjoyable to knit and that is key for me. I love all the colors and getting some of those neverending leftovers used up is extremely satisfying.

Now for something different but still sock yarn is the cute little baby sweater called the Baby Vertebrae. My nephew and his girlfriend are expecting a girl in January so I thought a little sweater would be handy. I chose a variegated yarn that has blue, pale pink and yellow. Recently I am steering away from the typical gender colors because why limit myself and others when there are so many gorgeous colors out there!


 Another nephew and his wife can't be left out so I knit a cute little sweater vest for fall. I have to keep track of the weather and the age/size because that would not be great to knit a warm weather item that will fit the baby in the summer. I think that this will be perfect to layer over a shirt. Bulky yarn got this project done fast.

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