I did the next best thing and took pictures of the nail clippers. So here are some close ups..

The bottom nail clipper is your average typical Revlon nail clipper that can be purchased in any drugstore. Small and hard to hold which I never really put much attention to in my life. We have another bigger clipper that I think are for thick toenails but that's another issue.

Here is the Revlon clippers in a side view. The angle of the blade is about 45 degrees and usually when you cut the nail, you can hear an audible sound. Sometimes it may take a few tries to cut through the nail and I don't have thick nails.

Front view of Japanese clipper...very sturdy and easy to hold. Compare the two top portions and you can see how much bigger the Japanese lever is which takes less effort to press/cut.
Now for the hardest part, showing the side view since the blade is very sharp and thinner my camera didn't like focusing on it but I think you can get the general idea of how sharp the blade really is.

I removed the black cover also otherwise you wouldn't be able to see the blade.
It's funny to think how much better the Japanese clippers are just by tweaking some things. These clippers shouldn't split/crack your nails either.
I remember we bought these in the Akihabara. There are multi-level stores ( like 5+ stories) and just go to the cosmetic/beauty area where strange facial machines are and there are much smaller shops that have fewer items but packed into a single space.. The shops in that area are pretty much the same, either anime/cosplay based or electronics.
I hope this helps when you ever go to Japan...pick up another set for me please!! ;)
Those are the coolest nail clippers ever!