First stop was to find Hachiko. I didn't want to fight our turn for a photo so I just made do with this one.
Enough of me yapping since I'm sure you rather see the pictures...

We did not spend a long time here because we're not big shoppers so it's on to the Tokyo International Forum. Like most of the places we wanted to see, we took many twists and turns to get there. The journey involves lots of asking directions which we appreciated and one security guard helped us in the underground mall to find the correct escalator.
Of course, it began raining harder but we had a short way to cross the street and into the building. I'm not sure what this building is used for but it looks like it has many meeting rooms and I could be entirely wrong. It is a huge building with lots of glass and metal reminiscent of a ships hull which is pretty cool. Add in another mile of walking in order to see it from every angle.

Start the journey to the left and walk all the way around up a gradual ascent to the walkways zigzagging over head.

So much to look at...

After all this walking, we found a vending machine for refreshment!

testing testing...