Monday, October 18, 2010

Ant Farm

Here is a smattering of what's the latest at Chez Cheese.

We finally got our ants from This all started when I was in the garage with Josh and he spotted an ant farm that Tyler received about 5 years ago. Well, Josh was all over it because he really really likes ants. So I opened it up and saw the order form. Josh kept bugging me to order his ants so I finally did which can take 2-4 weeks or so depending on the weather. We had a hot spell for a week then Josh started asking when his ants would arrive.

Well, his precious ants arrived Thursday so we managed to get through Josh's homework and got to work setting up the ant farm. This is not a standard ant farm that you might remember as a kid. No, this model has up to 3 parts to it with connector tubes so the ants can visit the 'desert' or 'rainforest'.

The funniest part is putting the tube of ants in the fridge to 'calm' them down. Josh got a big kick out of that. Once I got the sand in the 3 parts, we (I) dumped them ants in the main compartment. They were sluggish (good) at first so I secured everything and after an hour, the first tunnel was being dug. After 2 days, both tubes were discovered and more tunnels were dug. Very fascinating.

We did get 1 dead ant in the mix and according to Hector's Bathroom Reader ants will bury their dead in the northeast corner. No one knows why and I have noticed one of them will carry the dead one around but he hasn't been buried. There is also a random ant part that also gets carried around. We'll see how long these ants last and so far, they seem to be doing okay.

I'll get more pictures uploaded later...



Blogger is being a PITA when uploading photos. Very hit or miss so I have to upload to Flickr then copy those into the blog. Grr.

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