Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Yesterday Hector called me from Lake Tahoe around noon telling me their latest adventures. They were at Kirkwood and M's friend T was blindsided by another skier that whizzed onto the trail from somewhere in the trees. The stupid skier crashed into T with his helmeted head and broke T's collarbone! Of course M was furious at this lame-o who stopped to make sure T was okay and told the skier to get lost. I think M was thinking about hurting the dude because his good friend was injured so naturally he took off...when a 6'7" 240 lb man tells you to get lost...you do. Then M thinks later that wasn't a good idea to let the responsible person go since he was at fault. So M looks for him but that dude is long gone.

So T's ski vacation is over on the very first day which is a total bummer. Today is holed up in the cabin but is well stocked with food and DVDs. He might have to go to the hospital to get it splinted so I'm waiting for the update.

Meanwhile the forecast for the rest of the week is rain in SoCal and snow in Tahoe.

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