I don't know how kids can fall asleep slumped over in awkward positions but they can. Here is a picture of Tyler on our way back from Legoland and he even has his legs crossed. It's a nice thing that the kids can sleep when they need to. That will come in handy when we're on our flight(s) for almost 24 hours! I'm still trying to wrap my brain around that one. Our plane leaves at 2pm and it'll take us around 18 hours to fly to Singapore with a stop in Tokyo. We arrive in Singapore 1:30am (their time) and our plane to Phuket doesn't leave until 8am. I'm sure we'll sleep a bit on the plane ride and there is a transit hotel at the airport. This rest area is located in the terminal where you can rent 3 or 6 hours blocks to rest, shower and hang out. I don't know what kind of condition I'll be in when we land but I will love to lay flat out. Who can sleep comfortably on a plane anyway?
This is a funny picture! I still can't understand how the kids can sleep in that position...